How to Join – Officer or Adult Supervisor

How to Join – Officer or Adult Supervisor

If you’ve made it to this page then you’re probably looking for something out of the ordinary; something to bring out what you’re really capable of; something where you will get to experience working with youth through New Zealand’s oldest youth organisation. If you take the next step and join us, you may even surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

Check out this section to answer your questions about the different pathways we have to work with youth and volunteer your time, because joining is only the beginning…

Personnel who have joined as a cadet may serve as a Cadet or NCO until the age of 20, at which time they must commit to serving as an Officer Cadet or Supplementary Staff (Adult Supervisor), or leave the unit. Cadet Force Officers may serve to any age after receiving a commission.

Depending on where you are beginning from, there are different pathways to becoming an Officer or Supplementary staff member, and we’ll provide an overview of them in this section.

How do I become an Officer if I’m already a Cadet?

We’re glad you asked, many Cadets go on to make good Officers as you already have years of experience in the cadet program, you’d be surprised at how many skills you have that can be used as an officer.

All Cadets 18 years of age and over must hold and maintain a valid NZ Police Security Vetting Clearance prior to their 18th birthday, and is renewed every three years.

Just after your 19th birthday you need to have a conversation with your Unit Commander about Commissioning. Your Unit Commander will talk to you in depth about the process, and start the pre-commissioning paperwork (called an NZCF 1), online learning packages and interviews. You’ll also start to experience and learn some of the administration, training and stores roles within the unit and how they operate, so you can learn what will be expected of you as an officer.

With your NZCF 1 you need to complete the interviews, online courses and be approved as an Officer Cadet before your 20th birthday.

How do I become an Officer if I haven’t been a Cadet?

If you’re 18 or older and you’ve read through this website and like what you see, your next step is to make contact with your local cadet unit and arrange a meeting with the Unit Commander. They will be able to show you around the cadet unit, and talk to you in-depth about the process to become an officer.

From there you will be asked to fill in some paperwork to seek, hold and maintain a valid NZ Police Security Vetting Clearance, which will be renewed every three years. Once that clearance is returned and you have completed a Terms and Conditions form, you are able to start parading with the cadet unit and you will be appointed to a position known as Supplementary Staff. You’ll be required to do a minimum of 20 parade nights as a supplementary staff member to start building your knowledge and experience of the administration, training and stores roles within the unit and how they operate, so you can learn the basics of how a Cadet Unit works and what tasks will be expected of you as an officer.

After the 20 parade nights, or at a point you feel comfortable, you can start the pre-commissioning paperwork (called an NZCF 1), online learning packages and interviews. Once your NZCF 1 is approved you will be issued a uniform and the rank of Officer Cadet and be in a position to attend a NZCF Commissioning Course.

I’m new to Cadet Forces, and I just want to volunteer.

If you’re 18 or older and you’ve read through this website and like what you see, your next step is to make contact with your local cadet unit and arrange a meeting with the Unit Commander. They will be able to show you around the cadet unit, and talk to you about Cadet Forces.

From there you will be asked to fill in some paperwork to seek, hold and maintain a valid NZ Police Security Vetting Clearance, which will be renewed every three years. Once that clearance is returned and you have completed a Terms and Conditions form, you are able to start parading with the cadet unit and you will be appointed to a position known as Supplementary Staff.

As a supplementary staff member you’re able to build your knowledge and experience of the administration, training and stores roles within the unit and how they operate, so you can contribute to the running of the unit and training of the cadets. If later on you decide you want to become an Officer you are able to start the NZCF 1 Commissioning process.

How do I know if I’m suitable?

We’ve identified some essential characteristics that we look for in our volunteers:

  • Be of good character;
  • Be literate;
  • Have empathy for teenagers;
  • Have demonstrated the ability to supervise and instruct teenagers;
  • Display positive leadership characteristics.
  • Be prepared to accept the responsibility for the care and protection of cadets;
  • Be prepared to accept and abide by the NZCF Code of Behavior;
  • Be committed to attend NZDF training courses as a student and, if considered suitable, a staff member; and
  • Be a willing volunteer to give the time commitment required for attendance at weekly unit parades and programmed weekend activities.


Cadet Force officers are unpaid volunteers. However, you do get paid when attending NZCF authorised courses as a student or a staff member.