The following information has been compiled to assist you in getting to know the Squadron, its staff, and the obligations of cadets and parents. If you require any more information please don’t hesitate to contact the Unit Commander or a Unit Officer for more clarification or assistance.

Contact Details

We parade (meet) every Thursday night (excl. school holidays) 5.50pm to 8.30 pm.
To get in contact with us visit our Contact Us page.

About Us

To Learn more about who we are visit the About page


Our website is our main source of information It is kept up to date with all the various activities and event details.

On the website is our Unit Noticeboard which you will be subscribed to when you join. A weekly summery will be emailed to you before Tuesday.

We encourage you to follow our social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram.

We endeavor to communicate all key information via our online Newsletter However some information will be given directly to the cadets on a Thursday evening (often verbally). We are in the business of turning young people into tomorrow’s leaders, and encourage them to take responsibility for themselves by paying attention to the information we provide (and to pass it on to you as necessary).

If you cannot attend a unit parade night, you are required to contact the unit on (021 02360419) and leave a message stating: your Surname, and the duration of leave or absence or leave requests may be submitted by email to
If you are absent from a unit night parade and have not requested leave, then the unit may call your parent/guardian to confirm your absence.
If you miss three consecutive parade nights or activities without explanation you will be dismissed from the Unit.

If you cannot attend an activity, you are to let the Adjutant know on the Thursday before or you are to call the Officer In charge of the activity before the activity starts.
The contact for each activity will change but can be found on the information sheet given out before the activity or can be found on the unit’s website under forms.
As a last resort you can call the Unit Commander

If you no longer wish to stay in the Taupo Army Cadet Unit you can resign on any parade night. To do this you need to have your uniform Cleaned and returned as soon as possible. Bring your Record of Service Book (NZCF 3822) with you when you return your uniform to have it signed off by the Stores Officer and Unit Commander.

As a new cadet, you have been enrolled in the NZCF online system called CadetNet. CadetNet is a web-based database which Cadet Forces use to record personnel details, emergency contact information, and attendance. It is also the system you will need to use to apply to attend activities, and which your next of kin will need to use to approve your attendance. If you run into problems, please come ask the Adjutant on a Thursday. More information on how to use cadetnet on the web site is to come)


In the past, after a battle, when retreat was sounded and the unit had reassembled to call the roll and count the dead, a hollow square was formed. The dead were placed within the square and no-one walked through it. Today, the parade ground represents this square and hence, a unit’s dead. It is deemed to be hallowed ground, soaked with the blood of our fallen and the area is respected as such by all.

On the parade ground, there is to be no walking. You either run, or march. You should not run in uniform unless ordered to. So if you are in uniform, you must march. The area should be treated with respect.


Paying Respect
As a Cadet in this unit, we expect you to respect Officers, NCOs and instructors by:

  • Addressing them by their rank (or as Sir/Ma’am, as appropriate).
  • Standing at attention when addressing or being addressed by a higher ranking NCO, Officer Cadet or Commissioned Officer.
  • Saluting Officers the first and last time you see them each UNIT activity/parade night (you can only salute if you are wearing a hat in uniform, if not; simply come to attention and greet them.)
  • Coming to attention, knocking and waiting to be acknowledged before entering the Adjutant’s or Training Office.
  • Saluting and waiting before entering the Unit Commander’s Office, and saluting when you exit.
  • Coming to attention when an Officer or your lesson instructor enters the room (i.e. when “Room” or “Stand Fast” is called).
  • Obeying all lawful orders given by superiors.

At all times while in uniform members of the NZCF are to pay particular attention to their personal deportment. In public, and on military establishments, they are not to slouch, lean against objects, or have their hands in their pockets.